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Hi There

Thanks for being a member, just so you know if you cancel…

✕ All your listings and favorites will be deleted
✕ You will spend 5 times longer searching for parking
✕ Lose your original membership price
✕ Another account setup must be redone if you change your mind
✕ There are no backup recovery options
✕ You will lose your accumulated entries in the $1000 rewards giveaway

We’re sorry Parking Cupid didn’t show you enough value. We understand that you may have your reasons for cancelling your Parking Cupid membership and we’d love the chance to keep you as a customer.

If there’s anything we can do to improve, we would be more than happy to discuss it by emailing our Founder directly at

We hope you’ll give us another chance.


Daniel and the Parking Cupid team

Founder Daniel Battaglia

Parking Assistance Features and Benefits

Take North America’s largest parking network with you, everywhere you go. Join Parking Cupid right now and get unlimited help across the US & Canada.

Included with all parking assistance membership options:

✔ Rent unlimited parking spaces – North America’s largest online directory of parking near me.

✔ Help, advice and support - (subject to 48 hour waiting period or $50 surcharge) including:
• Parking fine protection – appeal letters to save time and save money.
• Sample parking contracts - made to help and protect you in private rentals.
• Advocacy to help you - protecting and advancing your rights in public.
• Priority customer service - get fast support via email, phone, sms and more.

✔ Save 50% Off - new member sign up bonus on first payment and discounted rates compared to retail or drive-up parking with 0% commissions and no markups.

✔ Website and mobile features include:
• Advanced search filters - find the perfect space faster.
• Post upgraded listing ads - display contact info for more responses.
• Contact parking providers - book or rent as many spaces as you need.
• Ad-free - offering a better user experience.

✔ Cover for all vehicle types, including cars, SUVs, RVs, Caravans, bikes, boats, trucks, heavy machinery, planes and anything you can think of.

✔ Money Back Guarantee – start your free trial now with a 100% riskless experience.

✔ Sign Up & Win $1000 Rewards Giveaway For Loyal Members.

Get peace of mind on the road with unlimited parking assistance – no matter where you are.

Keep Your Member Benefits Today!

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